ABU New Harmonized Online Form Portal

The Ahmadu Bello University just launched that harmonized portal I told you. Candidates can now apply and manage their ABU Online form purchases on one page. See the general guidelines on how to fill these forms and the general entry requirements for the various programmes below:
Welcome to the harmonized Ahmadu Bello University portal for the sales of sundry application forms.
Before you begin, please take a few minutes to read the general guidelines on how to fill these forms.
We also recommend you read the general entry requirements for the various programmes before you begin.
There are straight answers to some of your frequently-asked questions too. Please get those answers by looking at our FAQs and Answers page.

Visit the Harmonized Form Portal here


Guideline for Filling A.B.U Online Application Forms

(For Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, LVT, SBRS, Sasakawa, Certificates, Pre-ND, Special Admissions)

To avoid problems with your application process, you are strongly advised to carefully read the guidelines below and adhere to them while you fill your forms.

  • Step 1: Create Account:
    1. All information supplied in this step must be for the applicant. If you are helping someone to apply, you must supply the information for the applicant.
    2. The email you supply here will be the login name of the applicant henceforth. You must supply a working email.
    3. Information entered in Step 1 can never be edited. Please check to confirm before you click “Create Account” in Step 1!
  • Step 2: Transaction ID:
    1. You should print the Transaction ID slip generated in this step.
    2. Go to a designated bank to make payment.
    3. You can only continue with other steps of the application after making payment.
  • Step 3: Biodata: Enter additional data about yourself as required.
  • Step 4: Programme:
    1. Select the Programme of study you are applying for.
    2. Consult with the school, institute, centre or department concerned if you are not sure.
  • Step 5: O-Levels:
    1. This is where you should enter your O-Level results.
    2. A maximum of two sittings are allowed.
    3. You should enter a minimum of five subjects before you can proceed to the next step.
  • Step 6: A-Levels (for those applying for LVT or Sasakawa programmes).
  • Step 7: Passport-size photograph upload.
  • Step 8: Declaration.
  • Step 9: Completion:
    1. Review all information you entered before submitting your form.
    2. You CANNOT edit your form once you have submitted at the last, final step!


After creating your account on this portal, please proceed to pay for your forms at any branch of the underlisted banks nation-wide:

1. ABU Microfinance Bank, Samaru Zaria.

2. FCMB Plc

3. United Bank for Africa (UBA)

4. First Bank of Nigeria Plc

5. Guaranty Trust Bank Plc

6. Zenith Bank Plc

7. Fidelity Bank Plc

8. Access Bank

9. Keystone Bank Plc

10. Skye Bank Plc

11. Diamond Bank Plc

12. Eco Bank Plc

13. Stanbic IBTC Bank Plc

14. Mainstreet Bank

15. Unity Bank Plc

 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please make sure that ALL data that you enter are for the intending applicant!
Requests for change of applicant’s name, email or phone number SHALL NOT be honoured after account creation.

  • The email you specify will be used as your username to log in.
  • The following fields are mandatory: Surname, Firstname, Email, GSM Number, and password.
  • Notifications will be sent to the email and GSM Number you specify.

General Entry Requirements for A.B.U. Programmes

(Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, LVT, SBRS, Sasakawa, Certificates, Pre-ND and Special Admissions)

Click here to view the entry requirement page.

Frequently Asked Questions

I cannot login with my logging details.

For new students

  • Make sure that you have collected your admission letter.
  • Also make sure that you have written down your pg online Id with the PG
    school after the PG school manual clearance.
  • Note that we also have online clearance besides the PG school manual clearance which takes not less than a day after the PG school manual clearance and it is the PG online Id you have written with the PG school will
    be used for this purpose. Be informed that you can only access the portal after this online clearance.
  • You are to also note that your state of origin is your default (temporary) password.

For returning students

  • Please be informed that your former password for the old portal is not longer valid, you are to now use your state of origin as your default (temporary) password.
  • You can only have access to the portal if you don’t have any outstanding payment. In case you have any; you are advised to write to the secretary to the PG school for approval to pay the outstanding payment after which your record will uploaded to the new portal.

What are the designated banks for payment?

You can pay your form purchase or registration fees at any of the under listed banks
i. First Bank
ii. Ahmadu Bello University Micro Finance Bank
iii. FCMB
iv. UBA
v. Zenith Bank
vi. Fidelity Bank
vii. Intercontinental Bank
viii. Unity Bank
ix. EcoBank
x. Skye Bank

3. I have registered my courses but I have not seen where to reserve accommodation.

Please be informed that accommodation is not yet ready and for that the tab is not available.

4. I want to verify that the generated fees schedule is correct.

 You can check to see whether the fees schedule you have generated is correct by clicking the link named Verify your fee at the home page of the registration portal.

5. I have changed my program but still reflecting the former one.

 Kindly see the Dean PG School or Secretary to the PG school to officially write to the Ag Head, Management Information System (MIS) Unit, so that the program will now be updated.

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