Bowen University Rebate for baptists now 15%

Bowen University Rebate for baptists has been increased 15 percent. Here is what you need to know. Plus application requirements if you qualify.

The Bowen University Management wish to use this medium to appreciate all members of our denomination (The Nigerian Baptist Convention), staff members and our friends who have supported The Nigerian Baptist Convention Education Ministry at BOWEN UNIVERSITY through financial and moral support over the years. It is in the light of this appreciation that we wish to inform all members of Baptist denomination that the University Governing Council at its meeting on 30 May, 2017 has increased the rebate for wards of Baptist Members’ Biological Children from 10% to 15%.

New Procedures for assessing 15% Rebate for Baptist Members’ Biological Children:

  1. The Church Pastor and the Church Secretary will, at the beginning of every academic year, forward the detailed list of all Baptist students from their Church that they want to claim rebate for. Such information should include:
    – Parent’s Names
    – Name of students
    – Matriculation number (for returning students)
    – Course of study/Department.
  2. The Schedule should be signed by the following officers of the Church
    – The Church Pastor
    – The Church Secretary
    – The Men Missionary Union President
    – The Women Missionary Union President
  3. The Schedule for the Returning Students should be forwarded to the Registrar not later than October 30th while for the New Students should be forwarded to him not later than January 30th.
  4. We expect that churches submitting claims are actively involved in the co-operative programme of the Nigerian Baptist Convention.

As you know, the cost of funding education, especially the University education is quite enormous and unlike the government owned institutions that are being supported by the State/Federal Government and the Tertiary Education Trust Funds (TETFUND), your University has no other sources of funding other than your contributions and school fees. Thus, we would continue to rely on your financial support and goodwill to have a University that we will all be proud of.
Thank you.

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